Answer: I dont fully remeber the story, but this is the best answer i can give
Explanation: Tradition means doing something over and over for a long time ussualy within family or culture. Tradition can be dangerous because lets say you had a tradition to maybe play russian roulette every year there is a risk of injury or death. The setting of the lottery is in a small town where its sunny and has a good mood before the story starts. 2. The steps taken to insure the proper execution of the lottery is that everyone in the town has to gather and draw slips of paper. 3. What are the opinions of at least two townspeople regarding the lottery. Their opinions are that some people like as long as they are not the ones chosen. The mom in the story had won the lottery, and inturn had died from being stoned to death. I think they do this because of population control, or maybe they are sadistic
Evenness means an equality between two species, or to sets of variables in mathematics, so evenness of mind and temper would be a tranquility or peace between these two parts of your body.
A ten letter word with this meaning is Equanimity.
Definition: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Anne and Mr.Frank dont really get along, so when she gives him a scarf it shows that she cares about him.
The turtle symbolizes Perseverance.
John Ernst Steinbeck is the American author who wrote many books in the early 1900. He won the noble prize in 1962 for literature. He was well known for his creative imaginative writings. His writings were considered the most realistic writing of the times.
In the book of John Steinbeck, The Turtle, the author symbolizes the turtle with perseverance. He tells with various examples that if a person if persistent in his doings, he will eventually find the success despite all the difficulties and hurdles coming his way.
In the story called Animal Farms, boxer injures himself in order to be taken to be made into glue or dog food or as fertilizer. So the animals are told that boxer was dead but the animals seems to be unable to undersatnd what really happens. It is sad to know that the money the pigs got for the death of boxer was alll spent on whiskey