It made an agricultural industry in the south possible.
For those owning plantations, it made great wealth possible.
It set up a class system.
Even people with small farms seemed to have been able to afford 1 slave, so the south had economic reasons for engaging in the civil war. There were 69000 farms in the south when the war broke out. Each had at least 1 slave so they were very dependent on that labor.
(1) prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power
Branches of government ensures that no one person takes total control of the government. Each branch also has specific responsibilities giving each authority in the government.
Montesquieu was an Enlightenment thinker who believed a government would fall to tyranny when the government or ruler had no one to answer to. By creating a system of branched government, the ruler(s) have a check on their power and have to answer to another body of the government. This system was used in the US under the Constitution by creating three branches of power: executive, legislative, and judicial.
The answer is C. Allow people to download your remix for free
Imperialism had consequences that affected the colonial nations, Europe, and the world. It also led to increased competition among nations and to conflicts that would disrupt world peace in 1914. European imperialism did not begin in the 1800s.