I'm not sure about it but I think it's c.
Both the Renaissance and the Reformation challenged traditional thinking that had been dominated by church authorities for centuries. This set a pattern for the commitment to reasoning and inquiry that characterized the Scientific Revolution and then also the Enlightenment (which championed Scientific Revolution thinking).
Some details about the Renaissance:
- The rise of humanism in Italy is associated with the period in history, from the 14th to 16th centuries, that we call "The Renaissance." Renaissance means a rebirth -- and a big part of what was being reborn in the Italian Renaissance was the classical culture and scholarship of Greece and Rome. Scholars were unearthing many of the old writings of Greek and Roman philosophers, historians, and statesmen. These writings -- from pagan societies -- showed the deep thinking and great acts human beings were capable of prior to the rise of Christian society in Europe. This prompted humanist scholars in Italy (and elsewhere) to give focus to the full range of human capabilities -- in art, architecture, scholarship and writing, etc. Renaissance humanists began to question many of the church's traditional beliefs and practices. They re-framed thinking about human beings' status in God's world. Whereas church-dominated culture prior to the Renaissance focused mostly on the sinfulness and lowness of human beings in contrast to the greatness of God, the humanism of the Renaissance emphasized the greatness of human beings as God's creation. Individuals were encouraged to be all they could be, learn all they could learn, do all they could do as "Renaissance men."
Some details about the Protestant Reformation:
- The Protestant Reformation began with Martin Luther's posting of what are commonly called "The 95 Theses." Luther's theses for debate challenged the church's use of indulgences. Indulgences, by the authority of the pope, granted people the removal of penance owed in regard to their sins. Luther objected not only to the fact that these papers were being peddled for money, but questioned many of the doctrinal foundations behind the use of indulgences. As Luther continued his reform efforts, he protested not only indulgences, but the revering of relics, prayers to saints, the authority of the pope, and most especially, the church's teaching on how people become righteous in the eyes of God. Other reformers, such as Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin, also became part of the Protestant Reformation activity.
In rejecting Hoover's approach, FDR essentially embraced a form of economic nationalism and committed the United States to solve the Depression on its own.
Small explanation
The key foreign policy initiative of Roosevelt's first term was the Good Neighbor Policy, in which the U.S. took a non-interventionist stance in Latin American affairs.
Necessary and Proper Clause is often called the “Elastic Clause” because it is believed to give Congress “implied powers” that government is assumed to possess without being mentioned in the Constitution. There is a problem with this view: a government that is able to expand its power through an “Elastic Clause” is more likely to abuse its power.
This was a major concern of the Anti-Federalists, who argued that the Necessary and Proper would greatly expand government and leave it up to Congress to decide whether a law was necessary and proper. The Anti-Federalists further argued that the clause left no limitation to federal power and that “ . . . if they may do it, it is pretty certain they will . . . .”
1st AMENDMENT - grants citizens the right to
express their personal
thoughts and feelings
5TH AMENDMENT - protects citizens from testifying
against themselves in court
1ST AMENDMENT - gives citizens the right to
petition the government
5TH AMENDMENT- defends citizens against being
tried for the same crime twice
Explanation The 1st amendment, one of the most important amendments for the protection of democracy. Freedom of religion allows people to believe and practice whatever religion they want. Freedom of speech and press allows people to voice their opinions publicly and to publish them without the government stopping them.
5th amendment, an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information about him/herself.