May 24, 1819
Please correct me if I'm wrong!! :)
-Rebuild the European Industrial Complex
-Stem the tide of communism in the regiona
-Relieve food shortages.
The correct answer is D. However that does not mean that the citizens do not have a love for the home country, in fact much the opposite. They love the country so much that they wish to expand its borders and contribute to its glory.
The treaty violations by the United States and late and unfair annuities by the Indian Agents had caused increasing problems on hunger and poverty amongst the settlers and the Native Americans. Many Dakotan traders had demanded that annuities must be paid or else they will stopped providing goods on credit basis.
People from siberia, called the clovis people by archeologists.
These clovis people or their ancestors (also from siberia) crossed a land bridge between siberia and alaska about 12000-15000 years ago.