One reason is that the Nile overflowed and the valley soaked up the water and therefore made it very fertile
“President Washington established many crucial presidential precedents. George Washington helped shape the office's future role and powers, as well as set both formal and informal precedents for future presidents.”
The Byzantine Greeks called themselves Rhomaoi (Romans) and their Empire the Roman Empire. They saw themselves as the continuation of the Roman Empire and never used the term "Byzantine" to describe themselves. There was no one clear period when the Eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire.
There are two main ways the Soviet Union maintain control of east Germany after World War II: through intimidation and violence against the people of East Germany, and be erecting a giant wall (the Iron Curtain) between the east and west.
Sure, the liberty to use arms
In declaration of bill of rights, 1689, was permitted to use of arms, to protestant sudites, therefore, wouldn't be correct to have a world where the people lives scarred and to use of guns is permitted, certainly, anything would be more a motivate to take a life.