Like constructing a house, brains are built upon a strong foundation. This starts before birth, and is very important during the first three years of life. Brain cells are “raw” materials — much like lumber is a raw material in building a house, and a child’s experiences and interactions help build the structure, put in the wiring, and paint the walls. Heredity (nature) determines the basic number of “neurons” (brain nerve cells) children are born with, and their initial arrangement
The prefix is the beginning part of a word (for example, the “un” in ungrateful). The root word is the original state of a word that can grow longer with prefixes and suffixes (for example, “play” in Replay). A suffix is a part at the end of a word (like “ful” in ungrateful). These word stems/parts of words have different meanings that can sometimes help determine a meaning of a word. Some words may not have all parts (prefix, root, suffix), though. These are words like “preschool” (prefix: pre and root word: school) and younger (root word: young and suffix: er). I hope this helps you out! Good luck :)
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