As the exercise describes, one of the most shameful violations of research ethics to date, nearly 400 African American men from Tuskegee (later called the Tuskegee syphilis experiment) were not informed that they had been diagnosed with syphilis and were not provided with available, effective treatments for this illness. The aim of this study was to observe and analyze how syphilis proceded when untreated. So, this men were told they were being treated for free.
They reunified under the feudal system of the government.
When an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide Convergent boundaries are formed.
When a plate of solid oceanic lithosphere leading in one direction strikes with a plate leading in the reverse direction, one of the plates subducts below the other. Where this happens an oceanic depression forms on the sea and the drowning plate converts into the subduction zone. Moreover, Island arcs and oceanic channels occur if both of the plates are composed of oceanic crust.
In the first decades of the twentieth century, Theodore Roosevelt coined the term muckrakers to describe writers who agitated for change by targeting powerful political and industrial people and institutions.
The muckrakers were reform-minded journalists who exposed established institutions and leaders as corrupt. Since they had large audiences and followers in popular journals and magazines, they find corruption in industries and expose it to the public.
cross-sectional study
A type of study in which data is gathered at one time from groups of participants who represent different age groups is an example of a cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional study is a type of study design that involves subjects who vary in the variable of interest such as age but have a common characteristics and observations are made at a single point in time.
In the scenario from the question, the variable of interest is most likely the effect of varying age groups on personal health. The variable of interest, age group varies but the population has a common characteristic which is that they are Americans and the study is done at a particular time and not spread out as in cohort studies. This is an example of a cross-sectional study.