Answer: by giving examples of countries that have become democracies.
Our restless Earth is always changing. Tectonic plates drift, the crust quakes, and volcanoes erupt. Air pressure falls, storms form, and precipitation results. Learn how these powerful forces shape our air, land, water, and weather—and constantly transform our planet. Explore how our response to Earth's changes will impact our future on Earth and discover how your choices impact our future Earth.
I m 95 % sure on the first one, the rest are 100% sure.
Today, animators use new technology in making cartoons.
New Technology (Direct) Animators (indirect)
Last weekend we gave our dog a present.
Present(Direct object) Dog (Indirect object)
No, we did not hand him a bone.
Bone (direct object) Him (Indirect object)
B. The observers up front were asked to sit down so that the ones in the back could see. When you are talking about people, you use sit, not set.
leaving out important facts to mislead readers
When writers and speakers omit something, they usually do it on purpose. It means to leave information out, and is used to mislead readers.