this picture makes me sad for when people owned slaves. merchants overcrowded these ships to make as much money as possible from slave trade.
It all began when the Romans overthrew their Etruscan conquerors in 509 B.C.E. Centered north of Rome, the Etruscans had ruled over the Romans for hundreds of years. Once free, the Romans established a republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf.
- the evolution theory: it states the evolution of man from apes
-According to greek mythology(this is one of their oldest belief) that like plants, man had also sprung up from the ground
Founded in 1619, the Virginia General Assembly is still in existence as the oldest legislature in the New World. In colonial Virginia, the lower house of the legislature was called the House of Burgesses. Together with the Governor's Council, the House of Burgesses made up the "General Assembly".