(1) a mutation in the coding region, resulting in an inactive protein
To check to see if there is a mutation, you could extract the DNA from the cancer cells and then perform PCR to amplify the gene of interest. You could then perform sanger sequencing and compare the sequence to the normal gene to see if a mutation is present. To test the effect of the mutation, you would want to see if an active protein has been formed.
To see if a normal sized protein has been formed, you could perform a western blot, comparing the protein band to the WT protein band. If the protein is absent or much smaller, it is likely not a functional protein.
(2) epigenetic silencing at the promoter of the gene, resulting in reduced transcription.
To check for changes in the epigenetic landscape of the promoter, you could perform chromatin immunoprecipitation by extracting the chromatin from the tumour cells and using antibodies for different chromatin marks to see what has changed between the normal cells and the tumor cells. E.g. H3K9me3, H3K27me3. You would perform a pull down with the antibody of interest and then PCR for your promoter to specifically look at changes at that gene compared to normal cells. To test DNA methylation, you could perform bisulfite sequencing.
To see how transcription is affected, you could extract RNA from the tumor and normal cells, and compare the levels of RNA between the two samples by qRT-PCR
Plants absorb water in a large amount because water is the only medium which is present in a plant for the transportation of minerals. So, the plant absorbs a lot of water even if it is lose by transpiration.
a) It is dangerous to wear nylon clothes while cooking because it is a synthetic cloth and they catch fire easily also they can stick on our body which is very painful.
b) Cotton is a natural product. And unlike synthetic fibres, it is more absorbent. The towel hence has high absorbency.
c) Nylon and polyester are two fabrics most commonly used in raincoats and umbrellas. They are not absorbent the way natural fibers are. They naturally resist waterlogging, and can be made waterproof.