He was bold, you could tell, not by the way he walked, talked, or even by the way he shouted at the peasants below him, but by what he was wearing. A dark, long black cloak that caught in the wind as he strutted past his enemies as they bowed before him, black goggles you could not see his eyes through, wild white locks, and shiny black boots that glistened as they caught the slivers of light shining through the night. He was incredible. He stretched out his hand to grab the powerful wand, not yet touching it, when I noticed a gaping scar on his left hand. I was so in awe that I could not stand. Would this be the end of life as we know it?
I hope this helps, this was taken from one of the stories I am currently writing. :)
Have a wonderful day!
try mixing the first question and last question if that helps but none of these will be perfect because they hold different points
October 15, 2019.
Lucas Andrews
NYC newspaper
*avenue and adress that you want to put*
Nowadays Values
I think that the people who are having extraordinary skills and courage to show them are valuable and interesting because they cannot do something that the other's can and that makes them special.
Bad behavior or shoving a lot of money is something that does not have lasting. Those things cannot be interesting for a long time to the public because that is something that doesn't have value. Famous people should give us and our children a good example.
We should appreciate those people who can make this world a better place.
Greetings and best wishes,
Mark Thomas