The distribution of ancient fossils, Rock and mountain ranges, Climate zones
Higher specific heat -Land
Lower specific heat - Water
Heats up faster - Land
Heats up slower - Water
Cools down faster - Land
Cools down slower - Water
The land is heating up faster, and also reaches higher temperatures than the water, but it also cools down much quicker, and reaches much lower temperatures than the water.
Use the forumla y=Mx+b and rise over run when plotting it on the graph for each example
Probably convince the Goverment 3 times if not give up us e your water filterers instead
Lava that cools so quickly that the ions do not have time to arrange themselves into crystals with definite shape will form igneous rocks with FINE GRAINED TEXTURE. Igneous rocks are those rocks formed as a result of cooling of magma or lava.