The American Smelt averages 10inches in length, most species are Marine, and the feeding habits are destructive and sometimes cannibalistic.
Around 1800 (plus or minus about 5 years) is when it was estimated that the world's population had reached 1 billion.
The people here speak English because homogeneous means "the same."
Answer: A.Santa Ana
This description perfectly agrees with the Santa Ana Winds (also called Santana Winds), which are due to a meteorological phenomenon that occurs between southern California and northern Baja California during autum and early winter (although they can also occur in the other seasons of the year). In this sense, strong winds are caused by high air pressure circulating clockwise at high altitudes in the Great Basin between Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains (and the Mojave Desert).
It should be noted that these winds are characteristic of the region, which dry the vegetation, knock down electric utility poles and trees, and sometimes transport hot embers, being the main cause of fire spread.