C) As a solution, the summer she was 16, she attended a rigorous eight-week circus camp.
Claudius still finds Polonius' case for Hamlet's love of Ophelia dubious. Furthermore, Claudius questions Hamlet's madness. A master of deception, Claudius suspects that Hamlet is not as he seems and, as such, is a danger. He hatches his plan to exile the Prince to England.
What is Claudius plan for Hamlet in Act 3 Scene 3?
Claudius wants to send Hamlet to England immediately, but Polonius tells him that he plans to spy on Hamlet's conversation with Gertrude. He leaves to do just that. Left alone—or so he thinks—Claudius confesses to his crime and tries to pray for forgiveness.
What is Polonius plan now Act 3 Scene 3?
Polonius plans to hide himself behind a tapestry—again—and listen in on their conversation so that he can report what transpires to Claudius. Polonius hurries off to put his plan into action.
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