i dont understand the question.
Makhaya Ntini a famous South African cricketer suffered from charges of r ape. His very promising career ended suddenly when charges of R ape were levied against him in year 1990. In lower lever trial courts he was found to be guilty. Ntini was accused by his 21 year old neighbour that he gave her lift and took her to toilets of the stadium and r aped her.
In appeal Ntini Makahaya was proved to be innocent.
The four main purposes for writing is to Inform, Entertain, Persuade, and Convince. I would say C though it could be B
Hey there,
When making a heading for your essay, it should be located in the beginning of the whole essay. This is what makes the essay come to life and what start's off the essay well.
Iambic pentameter has 10 sylables and C is the only one with 10 syllables.