Answer: Group-think
Explanation: Group think is the behavior of thinking in a group to make a decision on any particular subject.This method of thinking decreases the quality of decision, suppresses the opinions and thoughts of group members ,issue are ignored etc.
In accordance with question's case, Tamra thinks that decision made by her group is based on group-think The members of the group are not putting up their opinions so that dispute is not caused even though they think some of the ideas raised by Tamara are not appropriate.
Answer: europ is the big country
Explanation: If a land army was to ever invade them, they would need to rule the sea, the last time this happened was by Japan, but the battle of Coral sea and midway stopped them from making landings on Australia, so it prevented a large invasion of Australia, In addition, the closet country that could invade Australia is most likely China and there thousands of miles away so it prevents Australia from getting invaded.
Nepal is a land of unity in diversity.
The country has people belonging to various religions, various customs, various languages and various cultures.
People of Nepal belong to more than hundred different groups of ethnicity and each has varied culture, heritage and customs.
Buddhism and Hinduism are two major religions seen in Nepal.
Each traditional group speak different languages and wear costumes that depict their culture.
Though Nepalese give more importance to their varied customs and cultures, they are also fluent enough in English and adapt western style of clothing as well.
Well said, Nepal is a multi-religious ,multi-ethnic ,multi-cultural and multi-lingual country.
Answer: That’d be B.
Explanation: Civic responsibility is basically being active and having a helping role in your community!