Two things that helped spark the revolution were the salons and the location of Mexico. The revolution went on for 11 years, with much of it being fought by the peasants and low class citizens. Also, because of this divide the revolution had two different leaders when it first began. Because the country remained divided between upper and lower class, the Mexican forces were able to be easily defeated, thus making the revolution long and drawn out. An effect of this was that the rebel army had many different commanders, thus making it hard for any one of them to lead the revolution for long, with Morelos only serving for four years before his execution in 1815. This frequent change in command made it difficult to bridge the class divide and unite the country.
He was criticizing their teachings and practices.
There were a couple of reasons for this. First, the Americans were an invading force, and the Vietnamese were fighting on their own soil. Second, the Americans were not willing to make an all-out commitment to win.
This proclamation legalized Christianity and allowed for freedom of worship throughout the empire. For a time, Constantine stood by as others ruled the Eastern Roman Empire.