Mr. White doubts that the monkey's paw can really grant wishes.
The event that allowed Collins to pursue her career dreams was
Soon before she finished college, the Air Force started training female pilots.
The space exploration program had been going on for a long time and the man had been to the moon before the NASA thought of training and sending women to the space too.
This changed by the time that Collins graduated which was lucky for her as if it did not happen she would have had to choose a career different from her dreams.
She was chosen for the training program recently started after she graduated and then became one of the contenders for the mission.
Mythology Project
Submit the final draft of your short research project about mythology. Your project should be a multimedia presentation that presents information about a culture from which a myth originated. Describe any connections between the culture and the myth. Your project should contain 500–750 words and at least two pieces of media.
Make sure you have:
Used text and media in your multimedia presentation.
Cited at least three sources.
Written relevant information about a culture from which a myth originated
Written about connections between the culture and the myth.
Included relevant characteristics of the culture.
Used a formal style and an objective tone.
Used effective formatting and organization of ideas.
Revised the rough draft using the writing checklist.
Checked for and corrected grammar, usage, or mechanics errors.
Submitted the writing checklist with your assignment.
Review the rubric so you understand how this assignment will be graded.
Im afraid
although I like to mask my fear
I prefer to stand clear
tall buildings mountain tops
or simply just a roof
I imagine the worst
I tremble and even sometimes curse
it's very common to fear
but I prefer to not let my friends hear
as I feel they may make fun
I'd rather suffer instead of run
it may not come when you're young
climbing trees and riding rides
until you feel the fear
and then riding those rides may be hard
lots of courage to ride once more