Amir only has time to study or to play basketball.
According to the bible, the name comes from Judah, the forth son of Jakob. A tribe was named after him: the Tribe of Judah, which gave rise to the name of "Judaism", so the correct answer is ===>one of the original tribes.
I took the quiz, sohere are your answers:
1) C. He never gave up and spoke convincingly about independence.
2) B. It helped unify the colonists to fight the war.
3) B. Offered freedom
4) A. German soldiers hired by the British
5) A. Saratoga
6) B. Rely on naval forces more than the army to attack the British
7) C. The American victory improved the Patriot morale.
8) Regardless of which side they chose, Native Americans lost land during the war.
9) After the hardships of Valley Forge, the American army was stronger, prouder, and better trained.
10) A former Prussian captain who turned a disorderly Continental Army into a skilled fighting force
11) Friedrich Von Steuben
12) Lord Cornwallis
13) Martha Washington
14) A general's wife who provided food and comfort during the winter at Valley Forge
15) A young officer of Washington's staff who captured a British fort during the Battle of Yorktown
Hope this helps!!! (#k12 social studies quiz)
The water course assumed a major part in the French and Indian War since it made it less demanding to escape.
The pilgrims called it the French and Indian War, and it for all time moved the worldwide adjust of energy. By the mid-eighteenth century, both the British and French needed to broaden their North American provinces into the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, referred to then as the Ohio Territory.
i want to stay 13, though is 2019 29 where head of state