B. The walker will not get tired as fast.
Based on the given passage, it is narrated that new electric backpacks which could be used as generating sets to power up electrical appliances were available and the up and down movement of the backpack acted as the generator.
From paragraph 4 of the given passage, it is said that the up and down motion reduces the weight of the pack.
Therefore, the detail that should be added to it is that the walker will not get tired as fast.
Anancy, also known as Ananse, Anansi, Aunt Nancy, Hapanzi and Nanzi, is a folklore character from Akan, which is an ethnic that resides in what is today the nation of Ghana, who has become famous throughout Africa, the countries in the Caribbean region. Anancy often takes the shape of a spider and is considered one of the most important cultural icon among West Africans and the Caribbean because of his insight, intelligence, and wisdom.
Stories of Anancy, or "spider tales", represent social, ethical, and moral lessons of Akan culture and they were orally spread from African communities to the Americas and the Caribbean, via the Atlantic slave trade.
Particularly, <em>the Anancy poem</em> has been divided into two parts; In the first part, Anancy thinks and memorizes the native culture of his country which once existed but has been lost now. And in the second part, Anancy weaves and recreates the lost culture by binding past stories, cultures, words, songs of Africa.
A) you should dance as if no one is watching.
I believe this is the correct answer but i'm not sure.
D oberon in this passage helana is referring both to herself and to hermia
The likely connotation of the underlined words might be <em>Nwoye is depressed at the news of Ikemefuna’s death, but he accepts all the custom of his clan.</em>
We can assume this because it seems that although he is sad because of the death, he felt inside like he has to deal with it and carry on, owing to the fact that are traditions that he has to respect. This can be considered as a metaphor when is using the tightened bow.