Answer: La Primera Guerra Mundial dejó como consecuencia una gran devastación demográfica y social, así como, una fuerte crisis económica. Desaparecieron cuatro imperios que fueron el alemán, el ruso, el austrohúngaro y el otomano, y se formaron nuevos países, lo que modificó la demografía de Europa central.
1-John Deere’s plow
2-farmers no longer needed to harvest hand (McCormick’s reaper)
3-more cotton could be processed more quickly (Whitney’s cotton gin)
It belongs to the Hinduism religion
In the late 20th and 21st Century, new immigrants arrived in the U.S in search of economic opportunities and jobs. The period between the 1980s and 2004 witnessed a heavy influx of immigrants in America's experience where the most populous group of Latinos in the U.S migrated from Mexico. This population has maintained its culture and language and by 2003 the U.S had become home to 39 million Latinos. The strong gains made among the Latino voters in 2004 by President George W. Bush were largely eroded when Republican politicians attacked immigrants harshly.
Maintaining neutrality while increasing foreign trade.
Hope it helps! C;