Cultural context is how characters live and how there culture affects their daily life.
You aren't hurting my fellings at the moment
Inside the parenthesis are dates.
For example 1.)
三月十日= March 10
三(three) 月(month) 十(10)日(day)
On the very far right 2.)
八月十五日= August 15
八(eight) 月(month) 十(10) 五(5) 日(day)
The correct answer would be D) Midwest.
Answer: Parramore used made the essay more convincing because it made the reader feel as if it was something they already knew was bad.
Throughout the essay the words and language that Parramore used made the essay more convincing because it made the reader feel as if it was something they already knew was bad. For example she says in page 32-33 “Surveillance has a way of dehumanizing workers.” which is very convincing when the reader reads