The small intestine
The small intestine absorbs most digested food molecules, as well as water and minerals, and passes them on to other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change.
Which of the following venation patterns is characteristic of monocot leaves
Monocot leaves have parallel venation as the vein runs in a straight line e.g zea maize leaf
Plants are a good starting point when looking at the carbon cycle on Earth. Plants have a process called photosynthesis that enables them to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and combine it with water. Using the energy of the Sun, plants make sugars and oxygen molecules
Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell.
Parasites benefit their hosts is the true statement. Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism (the parasite) benefits from another organism and this other organism is harmed by the parasite.
The others aren't true because:
- the organism that is harmed doesn'y adapt and evolve it still is vulnerable
- it is a fact that parasites change from hosts
- phoresy is an association between two species in which one transports the other. This does not include killing the host (is possible, but it is not a condition under which you can call something a phoresy).