<u>Woodland period can be divided into Early woodland (500-100B.C), Middle woodland (100B.C-A.D 300) and Late woodland (300A.D-1000 A.D). </u>The social, economic and technological development of the archaic period continued in the woodland period, during this period hunting-gathering was refined, native plants such as corn and beans were domesticated. Pottery production and mound construction continued. Climatic conditions and land forms stabilized.
The refining of hunting-gathering techniques helped the woodland people to catch fishes in the major river valleys and hunt deer and bison.
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels critized the 19th century industrial capitalist society. They stated that the new ruling class, the bourgoisie, exploited workers. They also briefly surveyed the transformation of Europe from a medieval economy to a capitalist economy and the social and political changes brought about by that development. They envisioned a particular mission for the class of the workers, or the proletariat , that would rise against the capitalist opression and make revolutionary changes to bring justice. In the Manifesto, they summarize what Communist ideas really are in order to dispel misinterpretations.
Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics.