I am outgoing and friendly. I like to talk to people and join various clubs and sports teams. I am constantly on the go, if I am relaxing, it drives me crazy so to say. My life is centered around activities and relationships with others. My best friend is quite the opposite. She is quiet and shy. She rarely joins clubs and hates giving speeches, all things I like to do. Some may wonder how we became such good friends, yet, I know. We balance eachother. I need her in my life to calm down my craziness, and I know she needs my spunk.
what he is describing is a man who has physical properties that put him on this side of athletic and Paul's psychology matches the "aliveness" of his physical attributes.
The paragraph is divided into 3 parts.
1. his physical characteristics. How he moves, his height a hint at his weight
2. his psychology which is described in the middle as bubbly and spirited.
3. his effect on others.
The word you want is in the first section -- lithesome.
The word means the same thing as nimble. It is quite a surprising word, because you would not expect him to be nimble.
Nimble means physically light in action. Think of a ballet dancer as being nimble.
Answer A <<<<<
Xeroxing possibly? As in, using an Xerox machine?
Answer: My anwser is A because Romeo and juliet were willing to go to great lengths for each other.