The people in the queue, who managed to get football tickets, were very happy.
<span> Mercutio says to Benvolio
"... thou wilt quarrel with a man that hath a hair more, or a hair less,
in his beard, than thou hast: thou wilt quarrel with a man for cracking
nuts, having no other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes: what eye
but such an eye would spy out such a quarrel?"
Here, Mercutio exaggerates Benvolio's quick temper. </span>
</span>In Act 3, Scene 5, <span>"It
is the lark that sings so out of tune, straining harsh discords and
unpleasing sharps. Some say the lark makes sweet division; this doth
not so, for she divideth us."
Here, she exaggerates by saying that the lark (known for its beautiful
song) sounds harsh and unpleasing, because it means that Romeo must
leave her.
C. Pathos
This is because the speaker is appealing to the emotions of the audience tied to the work of the Red Cross and humanitarian efforts.
A) America is a melting pot of people of diverse ethnicity who share the common American dream.