<u>The Industrial Revolution is a process of transition from an agrarian, manufactory economy to an economy dominated by industrial and mechanical production.</u>
The Industrial Revolution is a process of transition from an agrarian, manufactory economy to an economy dominated by industrial and mechanical production. Among other technological innovations, the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, the invention of new machines that will increase production volume, and the development of a factory system and a significant shift in the field of transport and communications (including the steam engine and telegraph) were particularly significant. Major changes have also taken place in the field of agriculture; it shifted to a wider distribution of goods, and all this resulted in political changes that reflected a rebalancing of economic power and significant social change.
The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom from 1760 to 1830, and then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations were late, but when Germany, the United States and Japan reached enviable industrial power, they far surpassed initial British results.
<h3>Answer:</h3><h2>(A) The division of Christianity into Catholic and Protestant faiths</h2>
In Germany, the country of the Reformation, a profound hatred separated Catholic and Protestant Christians up until a few decades ago. This distinction had expanded over the centuries through religious disputes and wars. It all started when Reformation took place, 500 years ago, as Martin Luther decided to reform the Catholic Church. His effort to do so instead led to a schism in the church.
For me, both B and D make sense. Do you have any text I can read?
<span>Is a </span>program<span> of the United States government whose main </span>purpose<span> is to purchase </span>assets<span> and equity from financial institutions in order to strengthen its financial sector. It was signed by President George W. Bush on October 3.