The first principle, minzu zhuyi, or “nationalism,” earlier had meant opposition to the Qing (Manchu) dynasty and to foreign imperialism; now Sun explained the phrase as denoting self-determination for the Chinese people as a whole and also for the minority groups within China. The second principle, minquan, or the “rights of the people,” sometimes translated as “democracy,” could be achieved, Sun explained, by allowing the Chinese people to control their own government through such devices as election, initiative, referendum, and recall. The last principle was minsheng, or “people’s livelihood,” which is often translated as “socialism.” This was the most vague of the three principles, but by it Sun seemed to have in mind the idea of equalization of land ownership through a just system of taxation.
I disagree
The colonies wanted war against Britain
The right choice is:
A. he encouraged Catholics to question a number of practices
of the church including the sale of indulgences.
Martin Luther is the father of Protestant Reformation. He was a Catholic priest and a seminar theologian in Wittenberg, Germany. In the 1510s, he went to Rome and came back shocked by the sale of indulgences and papal bulls for the forgiveness of sins. He couldn´t agree with those acts aimed at enlarging the chests of the Church. After a long reflection, he openly questioned them and the authority of the Vatican. He said that Christians could win God´s grace by faith only, not through buying indulgences, and that the Bible was the ultimate authority in religious matters. The furious reaction of the Vatican was to excommunicate him given his refusal to retract.
They wanted to make peace with Germany and support Hitler.making peace treaties with other countries
Generally speaking, World War II created "<span>c. a combination of prosperity and scarcity" on the homefront, since it boosted employment and GDP but there was still war rationing. </span>