It shows what certain symbols or pictures could mean on a map, and in addition, could show a scale that converts inches or centimeters that you can measure with a ruler to miles.
The answer is; plankton
The major group of plankton that contribute to earth’ crude oil are phytoplanktons because of their great numbers – even though they are microscopic. They are the base of the food chains in the oceans because they are the main primary producers. Examples of phytoplankton are the dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria, diatoms and blue-green algae.
The nation is Botswana. Nearly 90 elephants were found killed by poachers.
‘Climate’ is an old idea, but an idea which retains tremendous power, versatility and utility in today’s world. For the Ancient Greeks, climate worked both as index and as agency , and this dual function has recurred throughout human cultural history and it works too in contemporary discourses about climate change. Climates change physically, but climates can also change ideologically. What climate means to different people in different places in different eras is not stable. If culture is concerned with how human meaning, symbolism and practice take on substantive and material forms, then studying climate through culture is likely to be a fruitful activity.
<u>Advantages of airborne gravity gradiometry:</u>
1) consistent regional coverage
2) It is used when the data is large and it is fast
3) It can be used in varied topography
4) This provides multiple information about a constraint to solve it.
<u>Applications of airborne gravity gradiometry:</u>
Ground gravity survey provide detailed characterization and a higher resolution of a survey area and is comparatively cheap and non destructive. Airborne gravity gradiometry can be used in geothermal exploration, field procedures on an aircraft, environmental mitigation measures on an aircraft.