Jamestown established in 1607 and Plymouth in 1620.
Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in America, founded in 1607. The main reason for establishing a colony was for economic investment. In the 17th century, European countries sent settlers to the New World for generating capital for the crown. England also entered in the race to increase power and wealth by extending its empire. In 1620, a large group of women arrived in Jamestown for settlers to establish families.
In 1620, Plymouth became the first Puritan Settlement colony, established by the pilgrims. The reason for a colony was to get away from persecution and seek freedom of religion. According to the pilgrims, the Church of England practised old customs and needed to be reform, by seeing no change in the Church they separated and followed Puritanism.
One piece of evidence that Duara uses in the passage to support his claim regarding Western racial attitudes and Japanese militarism in the second paragraph is where he says that Japan was allotted a lower quota of ships than the British and Americans.
Or you can say...
Discrimination was perceived in the international conferences in Washington (1922), the London Naval Conference (1930), and wherever Japan was allotted a lower quota of ships than the British and Americans. But most of all, it was the buildup of exclusionary policies in the United States and the final Exclusion Laws prohibiting Japanese immigration in 1924 that galled Japanese nationalists. In their view, Asian civilization did not exhibit inhuman racist attitudes and policies of this kind, and for [Japanese] militants . . . these ingrained civilizational differences would have to be fought out in a final, righteous war of the East against the West.”
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The American victory convinced France to ally with the United States.
Oklahoma is a state that touches the northern border of Texas.