Pollo in english is chicken
sir your leg should be healed by now but you can't bend your leg much
Just rewrite the sentences but instead of the italicized words put the ones in the parentheses
Los pétalos (a veces denominados corola) son secciones florales estériles que sirven como aspectos estéticamente atractivos para atraer polinizadores particulares a la floración.
Here are some examples of informal questions you could ask them (and possible answers):
De donde eres? (Where are you from?)
-Soy de España (I am from spain)
Tienes mascotas? (Do you have pets?)
-si, tengo 5 perros (Yes I have 5 dogs)
Miras películas? (do you watch movies?)
-Si. Miro la película “Meet The Robinsons” cada fin de semana (Yes. I watch the movie “meet the robinsons” each weekend)
Tienes hermanos? (do you have siblings?)
-No, no tengo hermanos. (No, I don’t have siblings)
Bebes café? (do you drink coffee?)
-No, pienso que el té es mejor. (no, I think tea is better)