Fire-breathing monsters and beasts with many heads stood for all that were dark and wicked
Are u asking for grammer?
The single set of factors that best explain their responses is *Life-cycle factors*
Life cycle are stages we pass through out our lifetime as humans.
The choices of individuals are always different based on their life-cycle factors, especially with children. Life cycle factors are factors for assessing individuals choices or alternatives based on their age and present state of mind.
Though 4-year-old Fernando is very happy as he is still in adolescence stage which makes the transition very easy for him, while 13-year-old Jorge is quite unhappy, considering her age, there is a tendency she might have a very difficult time adjusting to the move.
The factors which determines their decision are their life-cycle factors.
The text says that she was " he had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and, burning with curiosity".
And Curiosity = Confused
Sarita asked if they are students.