The state of the food when it is received should be the same in accordance to how the request was listed. The package must be at the right temperature for its subsequent refrigeration or consumption. For example, if the food was ordered frozen, it must be received frozen. The package must not present leaks or signs of re-freezing.
The food package must be sealed; it should be rejected if there are holes present since the environmental gases can alter the food quality. When inspecting the food, it must also have the appropiate consistency and color, and there should not be an unusual stench present.
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Developing a good research question is one of the first critical steps in the research process. A well written research question will guide the research project and assist in the construction of a logical argument.
An example of well written research question with at least three supporting details/factors could be:
"What are the effects of intervention programs in the elementary schools on the rate of childhood obesity among 3rd - 6th grade students?"
It can be seen here several factors that will guide the research without making it too narrow, defining exactly what, where and who should be studied.
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your just gonna have to read it all your self because it looks like the answer is not complicated and is quite easy but i don't have the patience to read all that unless it was one of my own Questions