c. They are very close, in spite of their differences.
I know this questions is from the passage about "Gurdun and Ursula" right?
If it is, the answer is C. This is because in the passage, the difference in the personalities of these two girls is shown obviously. So that, the answer B and D is wrong. In addition, there is nothing in the passage indicating if Gurdun and Ursula share the same room or not.
Co-mate is defined as companion. In this passage, the close relationship and trust, and tenderness to each other of these two girls indicate that they accompany each other in their lives.
Theme: Bullying and peer pressure can lead to bad changes in behavior.
The short story "The Fan Club" written by Rona Maynard, is an excellent example of high school students behavior and the changes of that behavior due to different situations and encounters with bullying and peer pressure.