The authors purpose is to engage the readers
He convicted her of dancing in the forest at night with other girls.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Reverend Parris is a very traditional man who wants to keep his and his family appearances up to society's standards.
- This includes keeping to puritanical concepts and moving away from everything that religion deems wrong. That was essential to his reputation.
- Dancing in the forest at night was considered incorrect as it referred to pagan cults and activities associated with witchcraft.
- For that reason, when Reverend Parris found out that his niece was dancing the night away in the forest, he reprimanded her strongly.
He did this because his niece could be associated with witchcraft and that would cause his reputation to be damaged.
More information on Abigail and Reverend Parris at the link:
To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in To Kill a Mockingbird, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. When summer ends, Dill returns to Mississippi. Scout starts her first year of school. She hates it from the first day.
For example, “that person in my class has the brand new Playstation. I wish my parents were that rich to buy me one.”
mode is a scale which looks much like a major scale but begins on a different scale degree
modes are alternative tonalities