Answer: A state born on democratic principles.
Today, the United States is considered a symbol of democracy in the world. The United States Declaration of Independence contains elements of freedom and, as such, is the first modern democratic form. The declaration is taken as the value system on which one society resides. The same document is imbued with the constitution of the United States itself, which guarantees the liberties of the individual, regardless of racial, religious or ethnic origin.
Today, through its foreign policy efforts, America seeks to extend democratic principles primarily to third world countries, some of which have been ravaged by years of conflict. The rule of the people about democracy is so far the only political framework that has at least to some extent, proved useful. So if people's representatives do not do their jobs well and efficiently, it is always possible to replace them. American democracy has evolved, adapting to the modern and contemporary principles of its society. Its fundamental values have not changed for a simple reason, the fundamental values that guarantee the freedom to every individual are constant, universal and as such, should remain.