his meaness by refering to his combrade as a sun, is clear distintion of showing love and the performance of frkend.
him come like a sun which bring his excitment.
Singular would be medium
singular possessive would be medium's
plural possessive would be media's
and plural would be media
Could either be an exclamation mark or just a period. It depends on the context and only so little was given
We can complete the sentence as "According to your textbook, a hypothetical example is an imaginary story that makes a general point," option 4.
<h3>What is a hypothetical example?</h3>
As the name suggests, a hypothetical example is simply an example that is not about a real story. It is an imaginary story, something fictitious, whose purpose is just to illustrate a point.
You can be reading a text where the author gives you a hypothetical example just to have you imagine a situation that proves his point. He can, for example, ask you to imagine yourself doing something that you would never do or have never done.
With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answer provided above is correct. Option 4 is the best answer.
The complete question with the missing answer choices is the following:
According to your textbook, a(n) __________ is an imaginary story that makes a general point.
Learn more about hypothetical examples here: