Semantics refers to the meaning and the interpretation of signs, words, and the sentence structure. It should be noted that semantics determine the way we comprehend others and understand them.
Since the The Free Folk look down on Night's Watch and use terms such as 'crow' to separate themselves, then this is a language strategy known as semantics.
Therefore, the correct option is semantics.
The process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called selective optimization. It is a common occurrence in people where they tend to focus more on what they know they are good at and continue improving that area.
Slavery impacted the civil rights movement
Supermax is a term used for those prisons which have the top criminals. Within the US territory, there is a federal maximum security prison located in Florence, Colorado where solitary confinement or "lockdown" is the treatment for those criminals.
The prisoners are isolated in a way that their location in a cell involves a very high level of security and prevents them from escaping or revolting.
There are further reasons for isolating for periods of 22 hours per day the inmates.
It is believed that effective and safe management of prison population<em> will be ensured and still some major organizations like Amnesty International criticize the "effectiveness of the model" since a Supermax is an extremely isolated environment where almost no human contact takes place.</em>
<u>The questioned method of treating humans in these conditions still is very debatable among punitory systems for their social implications.</u>