Balance is essential in basketball because there is a great deal of finesse required in basketball whether this is in dribbling, jumping, shooting, or defending. With strong balance the players are able to remain stable and strong as they move through a variety of motions while playing the sport.
One time I did bad on a quiz and decided studying for the first time. What I did well was drill the flash cards in my head, and practice myself. What I missed were questions I didn't know answers to because I didn't pay attention in class. What I would have done differently was study before tests and ask questions so that I can actually gain an understanding. If I faced the same test again I would definitely do better because I'm in a higher grade now.
It depends on how the relationship is going, if this relationship is a toxic situation it will definitely effect your health. Some of the symptoms are always stressed, extreme anxiety, mood changes and sleeping problems. To fix this, simply cut off the other person or if possible, try to fix things.