1. Harriet Tubman was an escaped enslaved woman who became a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Tubman risked her life to lead hundreds of Family members and others slaves from the plantation system to freedom on this elaborate secret network of safe houses.
2. 1. She used the stars and mosses in the woods to guide her in aiding escapees.
2. She. and her escapees slept in swamps and moved only at night.
3. Once with her on the railroad she threatened to kill anyone who lost their nerve to escape.
4. She was the very first woman to lead a combat assault.
3. She was called "The Moses of Her People" because like Moses she helped people escape from slavery.
I majored in History
The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was what helped ignite it.n of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The main difference between the federal and confederal systems government lies in who has the power. In a federal system of government, there is a strong central government which has the majority the power
The answer is B because he was fatally shot by a praying Indian named John Alderman
I hope this help you
The importance of the rule of law with these principles is self-evident. In our system, it is the foundation of governance. Under the rule of law, citizens can live and work safely. They will not be subjected to arbitrary government and are protected against any abuse of power by the state.