The five original Iroquois nations were the Mohawk (self-name: Kanien'kehá:ka
I’m pretty for sure it’s the first one I hope I got that right I also had this question before
The correct answer is Potatoes
A fungible good is that which can be interchanged with other
individual goods of the same type. Goods possessing this fungibility property
simplify the exchange and trade processes, as interchangeability assumes
everyone values all goods of that class the same.
A peasant is considered to be a farmer and would give free service to the lord and his land. This is in exchange for their rent on the land owned by the lord and for the food provided by the crops grown in the lord's land. They would work for three times in a week or longer, if it is harvest time. A peasant was not permitted to change their abode or move to another place. They needed to become a freeman first. In order to become a freeman, he needed to pay his debt to the lord or buy a piece of his land. The status of being a peasant or serf will be passed onto the descendants.