He may be wondering where he’s sitting, which of his friends may be in the class, if the teacher is nice or not, if he left any supplies at home, the list goes on and on.
What book or diary or whatever is this?
The complete subject would be SpongeBob SquarePants's best party trick.
The subject, or thing completing the action, is SpongeBob SquarePants. But the complete subject would be his best party trick because it gets into one of his distinct attributes.
Cereal is Cereal, Soup is Soup
Soup is "a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables with various added ingredients." So, to answer this burning question, based on dictionary.com, cereal does not count as a soup. Unless you eat your cereal full of boiled meat, fish, or vegetables, that is.
Have in mind that Eudora's childhood had many characteristics that she could apply in her writings. Pay attention to the following:1. She was the only gril and the thir one out of three sons2. The love of reading she had is due to the fact that her mother, a school teacher, believed that "any room in our house, at any time in the day, was there to read in, or to be read to".3. Eudrora used technology simbolism in her stories due to the fact that her father was intrigued by gadgets and machines and inspired in Eudora a love of all things mechanical.4. Her parents used to read books to each other in the evenings, which was a milestone in eudora's desire to write booksI know you can relate these expereinces to the excerpt you have