The Nazi Party adopted official anti-Semitic policies because party members needed a scapegoat.
The Nazis blamed almost every single bad event in the recent history of Europe on the Jews and especially Hitler blamed them for the things that happened to German after world war 1. Since many Jews owned businesses while other germans were out of a job and didn't have bread to eat they quickly started to believe the things that Hitler was saying. Not everyone, of course, believed in that nonsense but enough did.
After the French and Indian War ended in 1763, the British government began a concerted effort to gain more control over the colonies and to collect additional revenues to reduce the debt incurred during the war. The Stamp Act, passed by Parliament and signed by the king in March 1765, was one such measure.
It was xoined by Winston Churchill who described the Berlin wall that seperated east germany from west germany not allowing any citizen in the communist countires to escape and leave their tyrannical overlords for the free west.