''To those who like to break the rules and go against the system!
There is some evidence of neglecting local rules...Why don't you try going against Newton's laws, it could be much funnier.
P.S. Smoking is harmful to your health (especially when you will be spotted with the cigarette by staff.)
Kind regards,
Yours Warden.''
The point of view used in the story is third person limited. I know about the bat's thoughts and feelings, but the point of view isn't in first person because of the story not using pronouns like I after quotes of the bat speaking. It's also in third person limited as I can not access other characters minds, so the point of view is third person, but limited. Third person limited gives a more vivid understanding to the story as it gives you access to the bat's mind, but does not use first person, which is used more commonly in stories. Third person is considered a point of view where you have the ability to read other characters minds, but as the story uses third person limited, it gets the reader thinking about what thoughts the other characters have in the story.
If you're going to use my answer, please write in your own words :)