I dont see anything. But my advice is just dont use a question unless you are in younger grades. Depending on what kind of passage this is, maybe report on an issue. State an interesting fact for your passage for the hook.
The day i met this person is a day i wish i could undo.The boy end up taking control of me to the point gas lighting. It really hurt me not only as a person but as to never be vulnerable again.This person took something so special from me i can never truly get it back. It feel like the day i met him and the day they he hurt me a point was in my back till it went all the way through to the point i finally realized i was stabbed in the back .I regretted even befriending him but i do not regret saving his life .
winds howled
we’ve raced (a pen does not race)
enjoying the last year of its life (a pen is not alive)
I have no idea if this will be right or not.
1)A. 2)A. 3)C. 4) C & D. 5)A. 5 and 6 are the same question
Gutenberg’s genius invention was to create a set of letters that could be pressed into “matrix” material, which was then filled with a lead alloy to make type. You got one of each letter in a font of type. If you needed 100 of the letter E, you molded what you needed. If a letter was starting to wear out, you threw it back in the pot and made a new one. Gutenberg's printing press spread literature to the masses for the first time in an efficient, durable way, shoving Europe headlong into the original information age. Being able to print in quantity meant more people could gain access to learning, and more people could create new ideas.