After the Troy fire, Odysseus decides to return to his home on the Ithaca Peninsula by sea.
But the gods did not favor him so that his journey was hindered by numerous accidents and, after storms, whirlwinds and shipwrecks, after many years of travel he sailed with a small group of his comrades to the shores of Sicily, quite a distance from his homeland.
Tired of the long days spent in the waves, Odysseus was happy to see a cave and head straight for it.
- When they arrived in the land of Cyclops, Odysseus became very alert. Before entering their cave, he checked to see if he had any jugs of wine with him.
- When Polyphemus, the owner of the area, appeared, threatening to devour all the intruders, Odysseus offered him wine as a pledge of friendship.
- Polyphemus promised him the last to eat him. But when the host asked him for his name, Odysseus answered that his name was Nobody.
- Soon Cyclops got drunk and didn't know what he was doing anymore. Odysseus seized the opportunity to stick a stake in his only eye and fled. The other Cyclops who came to the aid of their comrade died laughing when they heard that Nobody had attacked him.
Class: History
Level: Middle school
Keywords: Odysseus, Cyclops
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World War I started in the middle of 1914 because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The war went on for 5 more years, until the Treaty of Versailles was created and commanded the armies to seize fire. World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919. This peace treaty kept from any wars starting for less than two decades, then came World War II. The Treaty of Versailles’ name came from where it was signed, the Versailles Palace. The Allies wrote the treaty and in order to have it signed, they need a large enough space to hold all of those that participated and were involved in the process, that is the reasoning why it was signed in the palace. The German government signed the Treaty of Versailles under protest. What lead to this
The Liberator was the <span>most popular abolitionist publication in the 19th century, published by William Lloyd Garrison.
Answer: The Liberator</span>
1.Se refiere a la forma de gobierno que constituye una aplicación deforme y excesiva del régimen parlamentario. ... El Parlamentarismo aparece en el siglo XIX en Europa, en países como Inglaterra, Italia, Holanda, Bélgica y Francia.
Entre las características que son propias a los sistemas parlamentarios destacan: 1) el Parlamento elije al Jefe de Gobierno; 2) el Parlamento no comparte con ningún otro órgano del Estado la dirección de los asuntos públicos (el gobierno); 3) el Poder Legislativo se divide en dos cámaras; 4) el Jefe de Estado tiene una función simbólica, ya que no dispone de atribuciones políticas; 5) las prerrogativas del Ejecutivo se ejercen por medio del gabinete alrededor del primer ministro; 6) el gobierno surge y se mantiene gracias al respaldo de la mayoría parlamentaria; 7) el primer ministro y su gabinete están sujetos al control político, a través de diversos mecanismos, por parte del Parlamento, 8) la integración del Parlamento traduce la estructura del sistema de partidos; y, 9) el Parlamento puede destituir gobiernos y el Ejecutivo disolver al Parlamento.
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