The Congo river shares a name with <span>Congo and Congo republic </span>
The official White House street address is: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW. Washington DC 20500
One of the obvious benefits of a mixed economy is that the free market aspect allows prices of goods to be determined by supply and demand. ... Another advantage of the mixed economy system is its capitalist approach to rewarding the hardest workers or the most efficient enterprises in the market
maybe you asked for-Why does a mixed economy fit in on the Freedom Score?
Because geologic evidence supported the existence of tropical swamps in the Northern Hemisphere
Subtropical / tropical wetlands are wetlands found along the coasts of subtropical or tropical regions. The Everglades in Florida, for example, is a well-known example of subtropical wetlands. These wetlands are often, but not always, dominated by mangrove trees. The
Northern Hemisphere includes North America, northern South America, Europe, the northern two-thirds of Africa, and much of Asia. The Southern Hemisphere includes most of South America, Africa, Australia, one-third of Antarctica, and some Asian islands.
The Northern Hemisphere refers to half of the planets north of the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere includes all planets south of the equator. Some continents pass through both hemispheres, but Europe and North America are all in the northern hemisphere.
Learn about equator