are you going to use metaphor and simile to create the sentence
Totalitarian Propaganda can controlled well educated people by conveying the regimes beliefs, almost forcing it down their subjects throats.
So when it works it usually shows an "Evil" or "Enemy" of the state, and obviously without proper methods of evaluating the truth decent people will believe it for example look at the DPRK or Iran.
Answer:The theme of “Harlem” is provided in the opening question, as the speaker asks the reader to consider the effects of putting off fulfilling one’s dream. The theme is the choice between optimism and pessimism.
An additional negative effect to the logic ones could be the introduction of incorrect instruction towards the quantity and frequency of consumption of the medicine.
Not following or mastering the rules of the written English language while transcribing medical records can create a series of confusion on the patient leading to very serious consequences as they might be taking control medicine or have an accidental overdose of the substance in the worst scenario, it could also affect the patient by not getting cured since they would take less of the originally indicated quantity.