A predicate nominative because "one" follows the verb "to be- was (past tense). A predicative nominative alwasys follows the verb to be in al of its forms and one should view it as "equals", as in, Langston Hughes equals on of the greatest poets of the Harlem Renaissance. A predicative adjective must modify the subject and is linked with a verb, but in this sentence "one" does not modify Hughes. Another trick for remembering is that if you were to switch the order of the sentence, it would still make sense; "One of the greatest poets of the Harlem Renaissance is Langston Hughes."
Colored text and images.
Colored text draws attention towards the text, and images can help to support the content by giving the viewer a visual example/explanation in addition to the text.
Animation may distract viewers from the actual content of the slide if overused and will be unhelpful for anything other than making the transition from one slide to the other more appealing to the eye. Dark backgrounds can often make reading the text difficult, unless the text color is very light. It can also make images look worse unless they are also very light.
Answer: what does she likes to do?
Explanation:What does she like to do?
1. The boy was limping, but he kept pace with the other marchers.
-<span>a comma linking two independent clauses
<span>2. Hang gliding is a popular pastime; it takes skill and a bit of daring.
-</span><span> independent clauses linked without a conjunction</span><span>
</span>3. You seem to have found, my good friend, a real peace in life.
- a sentence demonstrating directaddress
4. Riding the unicycle blindfolded, the clown made it across the bridge. - <span>an introductory participial phrase
5. These colors were chosen for the school: purple, green, and white. - <span>a mark indicating that a list will follow</span>
because when u add three letters like styl-ish