I don't get this at all Create a public service announcement in Spanish on severe weather procedures to encourage the community
to be prepared. Use the graphic organizer to help organize your ideas and to write the vocabulary that you need to create your public service announcement. Refer to pages 1, 2 and 3 of the lesson area for terms and ideas to help you fill out the organizer and, ultimately, create your PSA. •This announcement can be a flyer, a radio message, or a TV message.
•You can select the severe weather event that is approaching or imminent.
•Describe the severe weather event and tell the community how to protect themselves before, during, or after the weather event.
•Include at least 10 ideas related to the severe weather event and the procedures to get prepared
“Todos, todos que
estan viendo las noticias en este momento, se acerca un tornado al sur de
Colombia. Si usted esta en casa, porfavor sigue estos procedimientos. El
tornado va 205 millas por hora, entonces tengan cuidado con el tiempo. El
tornado empezo porque una nube llena de lluvia se formo a un tornado. Primero
busquen refugio. Es bueno que esten bajo la tierra. Segundo, traigen comida y
herramientas que sirven al refugio<span>. Tercero, quédense adentro del refugio hasta que se acabe el tornado.
Gracias por escuchar a las noticias Caracol”. This would be my TV message.</span>